Joseph Ficklin to Moses Austin, 02-18-1808

Summary: Joseph Ficklin to Moses Austin, Russellville, Ky., February 18, 1808. Less attention to slanders.

Russellsville Ky Feb 18th 1808.

Dear Sir

... I hope you will attribute my Solicitude to a wish for your wellfar when I request you to pay less attention to the Slanders of your enemies and do not believe all you hear of your friend—In one Case I found out by a conversation on quite a different subject that you had been deceived with respect to what Judge S said when he wished you to keep from his house this he did say but only on a certain occasion when he wished it not to be known or believed that you had been the cause of a certain Warranty vs. Gentlemen in your Country because it would be believed that it was a peice of ilnature in you and the Good effect of the Warranty would be lost and considering the State of the country this precaution was very proper and might have come from your Warmest friend and I hope if you have no other cause but th[is] you will cultivate the Judge as your friend.

It was counted Good policy in the Ky Hunters not to disturb a buffelo when he had recvd a mortal wound because if they did he would give them much heap of trouble whereas if he was left to himself he would soon die— it [is] so with many of your enemies— they have receivd a vital wound in the infamy of Genl W[ilkinson] and A Burr and if [you] suffer them to rest they will soon cease to disturb you on the Contrary you may by attending to everything you hear for ever have trouble yourself and your friends too— I found a mason for you at four hundred Dollars or theabouts pr Ann as long as you agree say when he must come on ... Wilkinson is at last Caught by the Testimony of D Clark

J Ficklin.

[Addressed:] Moses Austin Esqr. St. Genevieve Louisana.