James Hope to Stephen F. Austin, 07-17-1826

Summary: Trade, currency, and Indians.

17 July. 1826

Dear sir

I have sent my son and Capt. Chrisman down to meet you and Mr- Castleman at your office in respect of Mr- Castleman's Improvement I wish to leave it to yourself Capt. Chrisman and Mr- Castleman and whatever you agree on will satisfy me, paying him in cattle or any kind of Mirchandise that I have, I understood your Brother Brown that you were wanting Beeves. I have two one of them Being a very Excellent one. If you can make any arrangement with castleman I will drive them down to you.—We are all arlarmed here on account of Indians and have moved down to Milicans, But as yet we have seen no Indians—I should take it a favour of Mr- Castleman, as I am now on way down If I could at any leisure time I have be moving part of my Property on to the ground.—

James Hope.

Col. Stephen F. Austin.